We build an integral sustainable certification system for building components

Integrated approach

Integrated sustainability is essential. That is why RACE foundation is developing the Green Cities Systems Certificate in collaboration with Witteveen+Bos, in which CO2 impact, climate adaptation and ultimately biodiversity are rewarded in one certificate.

A fair picture

Based on the renowned Life Cycle Analysis method, the CO2 footprint is mapped for various parts of buildings. This essential knowledge of environmental impact is complemented by expert assessments on climate adaptation and biodiversity. In this way, governments, organizations and residents get a fair picture of the impact of sustainable choices.

We build an integral sustainable certification system for building components

3. Reuse of plastics:
No specific certified (environmental) management system is yet available for the reprocessing and reuse of plastics. This is currently under development. As an alternative, other certified systems are available, such as the internationally renowned ECOVADIS-CSR performance rate standard (Corporate Social Responsibility, incl. Supplier Sustainability ratings; Based on an ESG assessment (Environmental, Social and Governance ratings) by MJ HUDSON Spring; Incl. Assessment of ISO 5001 Energy management and NEN ISO 26000 for CSR Self-development.

4.Built environment
The same applies to application and processing in projects of application, construction and construction, etc., depending on the different application and processing processes in infrastructure, water management, landscaping and greening, and other living, working and residential environments. Well certificate, Breeam, ‘Natuur inclusief bouwen’ etc.

5. ECOTEST, decision support tool:
To calculate the added environmental value, CO2 savings, plus savings of (fossil) raw materials, energy, and optional cost or ecological benefits (compared to alternatives based on new, "virgin" raw materials / materials, the ECOTEST method is used, also developed on the initiative of our RACE partner, RecyBEM/Tire en Milieu.
Together with the fellow product organizations ARN (end-of-life vehicles) and STIBAT (batteries and accumulators).  ECOTEST maps out the four above-mentioned savings as benchmarking with alternative use of raw materials/ materials based on available, validated LCA studies (according to ISO 14040 with SimaPro 9.0 software), supplemented where necessary with own observations / analyzes, in case not available.