Vision Mission and Strategy


RACE foundation was established in January 2020 with the aim of neutralizing CO2, nitrogen and particulate matter emissions from vehicles, vessels, aircrafts and from industry as quickly as possible, especially by greening and cooling our immediate living environment.


Our first step is CO2 reduction and compensation of automotive vehicles and the realization of green projects by upcycling car materials. We aim for 600,000 m2 extra green roof, green façade, green noise barrier or water buffering in and under pavements per year by 2023 with CE green city systems.


Through both local recycling and local production of high-quality certified products from residual flows and through green projects in our immediate vicinity, emissions such as Co2, NOx and particulate matter PM10 and PM 2.5 are absorbed and / or prevented or compensated. CO2 compensation by at least 4 – 6 kg / m2 per year.* The RACE foundation will issue validated RACE Green City Co2 Certificates.

Arvid Prigge

Arvid Prigge

"Smart connections enables the energy transition to accelerate enormously "